
Lower Back Pain Relief in Oklahoma

Lower Back Pain Relief in Oklahoma

If you are looking for lower back pain relief in Oklahoma, you have come to the right place! So many back pain patients have benefited from our low back pain treatment specialists. In this article, you will receive expert tips from a spine and joint pain specialist from right here in Oklahoma. So let’s get started on the road to relieving your back pain! LOWER BACK PAIN RELIEF IN OKLAHOMA: THE BASIC APPROACHES  At the first sign of back pain, many people reach for basic conservative low back pain relief options available to all Oklahomans. Simple low back relief options…
Lower Back Pain in Oklahoma

Low Back Pain in Oklahoma

What is Low Back Pain and How Can It Be Treated?   The area below the ribcage is known as the low back. At some point in your life, virtually everyone experiences low-back pain. It is one of the top reasons for missing work in the U.S., but it can usually be treated on its conservatively. You have other options for treatment if this doesn’t work.    Low back pain symptoms   These can range in intensity from a dull ache to a stabbing and shooting sensation. The pain could make it difficult to stand or move. It is known…
Oklahoma Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Doctors

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Myths & Advanced Treatments

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common nerve compression resulting in significant pain, suffering, time off from work, and ultimately surgery. Unfortunately, Oklahomans don’t realize that most physicians and healthcare professionals evaluate, diagnose, and treat carpal tunnel disease the same way they have for decades. Ultimately, this leads to slow evaluations, delayed diagnosis, increased recovery time, and extended time off from work. Below I will update you on the latest approaches for addressing your carpal tunnel symptoms. Imagine having your evaluation, diagnosis, and possibly even getting treatment all in a single office visit! Myth #1: Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Requires…
Spine and Joint Injury Specialists in Oklahoma

Don’t Delay Care After an Accident!

An auto injury accident can be one of the most stressful things a person experiences in their lifetime. Unfortunately, approximately 25,000 Oklahomans each year are involved in automobile collisions. The challenge for many is knowing where to seek proper evaluation and treatment following the accident. Patients will often present to either an urgent care clinic or the general emergency department at the nearest hospital, which is not necessarily the wrong decision.  First, rule out severe injuries from a serious accident Having an initial exam at one of these facilities immediately following an accident is very important when it is clear…
After Spine MRI - Get All Your Options

Spine MRI Results and Medical Decision Making: Consider All Your Options

It is estimated that Americans undergo approximately 40 million MRIs every year, resulting in the United States being among the most image populations on the planet. There is real concern among many healthcare policymakers as to whether or not all of this diagnostic imaging results in improved health outcomes for patients here in the US. Of all those scans performed every year here in the US, over 10 million of them are performed on the spine alone. Despite how commonly this study is ordered by primary care providers, orthopedic surgeons, and spine specialists, most patients are largely unfamiliar with what…
COVID-19 CARE Protect Clinic Zone - Elite Pain & Health

COVID-19 CARE Protection Zone

Pain Management in the era of COVID-19 Oklahomans are understandably concerned about the Coronavirus Pandemic and as we prepare to venture out in the coming weeks, it is critical to decrease risk move about in public. It is important that our current and future patients have the opportunity to seek treatment for their pain and injury and we are answering the call. Introducing COVID-19 CARE Protection Zones Our pain management clinics in Oklahoma City have completely redesigned clinic processes to provide you with the safest possible environment. Developed by our medical staff, we have implemented this unique program to reduce…